Second Hand Smoke

This is a personal look into the 2nd hand effects of family,community,and historical Traumas especiall after 9/11 . The Journey is the Destination.


inside-out prison exchange program

I am presently attending a prison exchange program entitled , Inside-Out. It is an extensive class taking place inside the local minimum security prison.

it is commanding a lot of time, reading and writing and also commitment.
& i must say that it is a transformative experience.
I think that I had always wondered and felt that the present corrections system was not alleviating the problems that our communities were having but only placing a thin band aid on it if that -
It is so imminintly real when you have seen into the scared faces of men getting ready to be returned into our communites wondering how they are going to make it when local communities are not organized with enouf supportive programs to assist them with re-entry and the Criminial justice system is set up to re-incarserate them with the slightest ticket.

How can they re-enter society with after haveing spent years behind bars and still no education to fly out into the world with? Most do not even have a GED and the right set of job skills to start on the right foot.


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