Bush Inaugeration
Inaugeration Protest 2005
It's not what your country can do for you
but what you can do for your country.
- John F. Kennedy
I criticize my country
because I love her so.
- Martin Luther King
My s truggle to work thru where in the Peace Movement that I stand continues . Through my actions I continue to practice non-violent Protest and believe in non-violent action. However, I believe the internal struggle is a good and worthy one and to only seek the inspiration and literature from those that share my point of view is not condusive to challenge and thought.
& So on that line-
I've finally completed reading the following.
Emma Goldman: Essays on Anarchism
Franz Fannon:
Standing on front of the street sidewalk facing the on-coming cars. I caught myself feeling very antagonistic andinwardly walking down a path of agitation towards those who cannot share this wonderful place named: America & It appears to me that the conservatives would like this country re- programed their way and will legislate it so that all Americans will be forced to live in a Country based on thier ideology, politics, and value system.
after the protest I went to the Policemen and thanked them for thier presence, shook thier hands and walked towards my car.
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