Second Hand Smoke

This is a personal look into the 2nd hand effects of family,community,and historical Traumas especiall after 9/11 . The Journey is the Destination.


Philosophy 101

Saw this while driving over to the library today on a church bullitin board.
Love is the way to dissarmerment. Henri Nouwen. i like it....
usuall i drive to the library on another route. Funny. I always look for a cement garden bunny on the way over and felt disspointed when I couldn't find it on my last drive over to the library. A Goodluck Talisman of sorts. oh well.. :)

I have just compeleted the book, " Trauma & Recovery: the aftermath of violence-from domestic abuse to political terror."

The following is an exerpt from the book that I believe is very interesting.

Chapter 1: A Forgotten History
" The study of Psychological Trauma has a curious history-one of episodic amnesia. Periods of active investigation have altered with periods of oblivion. Repeatedly in the past centruy, similar lines of inquiry have been takenup and abruptly abandoned, only to be rediscovered much later. Classic documents of fifty or one hundred years ago often read like contemporary works. Though the field has in fact an abundant and rich tradition, it has been periodically forgotten andmust be periodically reclaimed."

"This intermittent amnesia is not the result of the ordinary changes in fashion that affect any intellectual pursuit. The study of psychological trauma does not languish for lack of interest. Rather, the subject provokes such intesnse controversy that it periodically becomes anathema. The study of psycholigical trauma has reapeatedly led into realms of the unthinkable and foundered on fundamental questions of belief.

Out of the entire book these were the most important paragraphs that seemed to reflect the dissapearance of the R.A movement. Was American Culture ready for the these severe histories to come up the surface of its consciousness?
The way that I had remembered it was the issues of the sexual abuse survivors that had surfaced in the 80's , the the survivors of incest ( The Courage to Heal: Ellen Bass ), to the issues of sexually abused boys ( Victims No More: Mike Lew), then it seem to uncover the
movement of survivors abused in the Catholic Church. ( SNAP) and lastly came Ritual Abuse.
but something happened with Ritual Abuse that still concerns me. What happened?
Did the Media exploit the issue and create big scare. The sensational books that came out at that time were creapy. An excellent example is: Satan's Children- ironically a book that was suggested to me to read when I had called an area crisis line. 20 years ago there were no books for survivors to read that were not sensational. I remember feeling somewhat confused because even though the person on the crisis line thought it was a book to suggest. I didn't relate to the Title.


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